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Disc Herniations Can Heal Spontaneously

Despite what you might have heard in the past, disc herniations can heal spontaneously!

Intervertebral discs are fibrous structures that connect to vertebrae above and below, forming a solid unit that is efficiently able to transfer load. Intevertebral discs DO NOT "slip", and they are definitely NOT like jam-filled donuts!

According to current research, the bigger the herniation, the greater the healing will be!

It is actually normal to have disc changes (even younger people have them). It is also normal to be symptom-free with herniated discs. Lots of changes seen on MRI scans are actually normal age-related changes, NOT pathological ones.

Sure, discs can get damaged after sudden or repetitive excessive load, just like every other part of our body. BUT, if the load (exercise) applied is gradual, allowing for the discs to adapt, no symptoms will arise!

There is hope! Move away from the mind set of our backs being weak, frail and temperamental. We are robust and strong and we must nourish that through appropriate exercises! Contact me for more information!

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